This article details everything you need to do in order to grow a large quantity of vegetables.
By choosing the right varieties of plants and following good gardening practices, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest over an extended period.
Choose Plants for Continuous Harvest
Choose varieties of plants that have a long production period, ensuring a continuous harvest throughout the growing season. See our other blog on What Vegetables to Grow When You Don't Have a Lot of Space.
Start Seeds Indoors Early
Start all your plants indoors early so they can be transplanted outside as soon as the weather permits. Your plants will be more mature and begin producing yields earlier in the growing season.
Space Properly
It may be very tempting to cram as many plants as possible into a small space, especially when they are still small when first planted. However, doing so will not result in a bigger harvest. It will have the opposite effect, growing smaller and weaker plants that produce low-quality fruit.
Follow recommended spacing guidelines for each plant (or stick to one plant per one square foot rule) to prevent overcrowding and resource competition.
As the plants grow, the soil becomes depleted of nutrients necessary for the plants to thrive and produce nutritious vegetable yields. We recommend using good compost when you plant your seedlings and then fertilise at least once or ideally twice in the growing season.
Harvest Promptly
Regular picking can encourage many vegetables to keep producing.
Prune Overgrowth
Keep an eye on your plants and prune them as needed to avoid overcrowding, ensuring good air circulation and that sunlight can reach all plants.
Pest and Disease Management
Regularly inspect plants and take action to control pests and diseases to ensure healthy, productive plants.
Choosing the right vegetables and employing smart gardening practices can significantly increase your garden's productivity. Happy gardening!
What you need:
Pruning Shears
Kimura 8" Pro Bypass Garden Secateurs. Ideal for all-round pruning on plants. Japanese steal, suitable for right and left handed gardeners. Comfortable grip, ideal for people suffering from arthritis or carpal tunnel.
Poultry Manure Fertiliser
Powergrow Organic Pelleted Poultry Manure Fertiliser for Vegetables. Heat treated and weed-free. Comes in easy to use pellets.
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